Reflections of Goodness

Have you ever felt God lead you to reflect on something? I’m more of a let’s keep things moving kinda gal, but when God shows me something, I long for the revelation. It means being still and quiet and allowing His Word and the Holy Spirit to speak to me.

My husband and I just finished a time of prayer and fasting. It was powerful for me. I tried to truly hear what God was speaking to me. He brought my attention to His goodness. I used to think that the word goodness is such a general word that doesn’t have a heavy meaning. Goodness meaning anything not bad. But it’s really so much more than that. It’s the opposite of evilness. The very summit of grace and mercy.

Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you…      – Psalm 31:9

I spent some time looking back over the last 5 years. There were some really hard times. God, in His goodness, brought me through each one. Lessons of faith and trust. Being a minor (heh) control freak, trusting in what I couldn’t even see was and is one of the most difficult things that I am called to do.

There were many moments of wondering where God was within my circumstance. The pain, the tears, the anger. It was easy to find those things, but harder to find the good.

But as I look back now, all I can see is good.

I see Him.

When my husband confessed deception in our marriage, there was repentance and forgiveness. Goodness.

When I questioned my worth and wished that I didn’t exist, there was affirmation and love poured over me. Goodness.

When I was so deep into an eating disorder that my body almost couldn’t function, there was conviction of sin. Goodness.

When I was consumed with a lack of relationship with my father, there was a reminder of my eternal relationship with my heavenly Father. Goodness.

This list could go on. The Bible says in Romans 8:28 that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him. And for His goodness, I can’t help but love Him more.

It doesn’t make sense. I can’t understand it. The only thing that I do know is that He freely gives it when I don’t deserve it. And for that, I will praise Him.

Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness… -Psalm 107:31