Sorry, But You Can’t Do That Alone

Without Me

The average person consumes 2 bottles of ketchup per year. The average lifespan of a squirrel is 9 years. The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in their lifetime. And the average number of times that I tell my children “don’t do that” or “stop that” is approximately 63 times per day. Per child. 

Children don’t understand that there are times when they simply can’t do things alone. Recently my 7 year-old decided that she was thirsty. So thirsty that she decided to skip the part about asking for help from a parent and do it herself. Can you see where this is going? Our pitcher of juice is on the very top shelf in our refrigerator. It’s a french door on top and freezer on the bottom so it’s very tall.

She manages to get the pitcher (full of juice) off the shelf. Then as she is slowly walking to her cup, the moving waves inside the pitcher cause her to slop juice all over the floor leaving a juice trail behind. As you would imagine, this is the moment when I walk in the room and see what’s going on. The first words out of my mouth are, “You need to ask for help with that. You can’t do that alone.” And like most mother’s, I added, “Do you understand me?” The first words out her mouth were, “I’m sorry”, 

There are just some things that we can’t do. Here are some things that I can’t do:

  • Change a flat tire
  • Crochet
  • Eat raw oysters
  • Tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue
  • Ice skate
  • Tell a joke

The list goes on. I’m alright with not being able to do these things. I thought I was really good at ice skating until I busted my bum. That’s all it takes to keep this girl off the ice for a good long while.

Though we’re not helpless children anymore, there are many things that God wants us to see that we cannot do by ourselves.

What about some of the harder things in life? Like overcoming anxiety, depression, or addictions. Forgiveness. Healing. Gaining courage in the midst of fear. Provision through a drought. These may seem completely unattainable and they are. To you. You simply cannot do these things on your own.

But with God you can.

You simply have to trust that He will. Jesus says…

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

The Bible says that we can do anything through Christ.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13

As humans, especially type-A humans *ahem*, we can be a little controlling. It’s natural for some more than others. This makes it hard for us to hand the reins of our problems, illnesses, relationships, and addictions over to God.

Sometimes God finds me just like my 7 year-old daughter, mid-pour with juice all over the floor. And I have to say, “I’m sorry God. I should have asked for your help.”

I am weak but he is strong

He is waiting. His hands are wide open waiting for your burdens. Whatever it is, He will walk through it with you. He will bring you to a place of peace no matter how bad that situation is. Make your plans, but turn the over to God before you carry them out. 

It’s ok to be thirsty. We are ALL thirsty for the Living Water that comes from the Father. Just make sure that before you scale the refrigerator, grab the pitcher, and slosh juice all over the floor on the way to fill up your cup, you ask for help.