Gathering Organization: Manuals and Warranties

Manuals and Warranties

I’m trying to be more organized these days when it comes to my home. We moved recently and things were quite a mess when it was time to transfer them from one home to another. Hey, we’re learning right? So this time around, I’m pretty serious about trying organize a little better. I am NOT Miss Organization. In fact, if you find something organized in my home it’s usually out of desperation or force. There, I’ve admitted it now we can move on.

That is why I was absolutely ecstatic when we arrived at our new home and the previous owner had put together this fantastically organized binder. I knew that I had to share it with you! I can’t take credit, but I can use the idea to bless others since it has blessed me so much.

Warranties are VERY important. As are the manuals that accompany products that you may have to troubleshoot or just learn how to use. Grab a sturdy binder at the store along with some page protectors and put every bit of knowledge about these items inside it that you can.

Save your warranties!

Saving your warranties is SAVING YOU MONEY! If your product, appliance, etc. stops working, it could be under warranty which means the manufacturer will foot the cost of the fix and not you.

Save your manuals and documentation!

  • Directions! Who likes to actually use directions? Most definitely not men. Sometimes they actually do come in handy. Maybe after you’ve tried it the first time and it didn’t work.
  • Use it to learn about your product. How it works. When it needs cleaning.
  • Information about batteries, bulbs, or other parts necessary for the product.
  • Troubleshoot problems. Often times there are codes or red flags that manuals include simply for the consumer to be aware of!

Manuals and Warranties 1

I’m so thankful for this binder y’all. The appliances here are a lot newer than we are used to. There are beeps and codes being thrown almost everyday and I’ve had to reference these many times. Eye opener for home organization and stewarding the organization in our home for sure!

Have you lost your manual? You can download a manual for over 700,000 products at Manuals Online!

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