Everything in my home seems to be breaking. I kinda want to break up with it. It started with the hot water heater. Next came our van. Then it was the heat in the bonus room. Now ladies and gentlemen, it is our garage door. We’ve gone without hot water, used only one car, went without heat upstairs, and now have to walk allllllll the way around the house to get into our car. You gotta love being a homeowner.
My girls are at a stage where they actually play together. They are 4 years apart and you’d never know it some days. They pull each other around in the laundry basket and make sweet cards for each other. But that sisterly love can go from sweet and innocent to completely mean in a matter of moments. I go from watching them frolic in the sibling daisies to surviving the prickly thickets of contention.
Sometimes I just find myself consumed in the things that are wrong with my life. I can just see God looking at me thinking, “Are you kidding me? LOOK at how I have blessed you, my child.” The fact is, I’m spoiled.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
In ALL circumstances. That one is easier said than done after all the circumstances that I listed above. How do I change my discontentment to gratitude?
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God achat viagra fr. – Philippians 4:6
First, we can see that if we’re discontent, then we’re worrying. Worrying about what others have that we don’t have. Focusing on what we lack. Second, if our heart is filled with anxiety and dissatisfaction it can’t also then be filled with thanksgiving.
How great is our God? He’s bigger than broken heaters and fussy children. He has a much bigger and better plan for us than that.
Thankfulness is mentioned over and over in the Bible. Every good and perfect gift if from God. (James 1:17) Give thanks to the Lord, calling upon his name, making known his deeds among the people. (Psalm 105:1) I could go on and on.
Beyond all of the problems with my home, vehicles, and arguing children, I see the incredible blessing of a home and a family. Let’s do our best to focus on the blessings of God in our lives, rather than the attempts of the enemy to take them away. Each time that we choose to be thankful with what we have, the devil loses a chance for a stronghold.
Where do you see God in your circumstances? When you find Him, you have found thankfulness.
God is thrilled when we open our eyes to find Him revealed. Isn’t that His ultimate goal? It’s what we were created for! To bring Him glory! What good things is God doing in your life? Are your eyes open for Him to be revealed? Make a list of your blessings. Sometimes writing it out can help you to see it all more clearly.
This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for so much. To have a home with things inside (even if those things break occasionally). I’m thankful for my entire family and friends. But most of all, I’m thankful for a God who fiercely loves me enough to continue blessing me every day, even when I don’t always see it.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy endures forever. – Psalm 118:1