Out of the Heart the Mouth Speaks

Out of the


I’m a fantastic listener. It’s a good thing that people like to talk to me. I can sit for hours and let folks unload their verbal baggage on me. That’s an imperative part of being a friend, sibling, spouse, and even parent. People like be heard. It’s a good thing that I like to listen.

The problem that I have isn’t with listening. No, my problem is speaking.

I’ll admit that it’s an issue of mine mostly around those that I’m closest to. My family.

Let me be real honest with you. My husband, bless him, tends to get the brunt of my words. And when you live with someone, your filter can wear a little thin. I won’t lie to you, there are times when I say things to my husband and almost immediately I think why did I have to say that? Perhaps my honesty with him is less filtered because I know he isn’t going anywhere. Even still, our spouses deserve the same respect that we show others.

God has really been ministering to me about my speaking the last few months. I read an article recently that said that every day we say enough words to write 50-60 pages in a book. In an entire year, we could author 264 books with at least 200 pages. If your books went on sale right now at Barnes and Noble, would you stand behind the words written in them?

I would burn some of mine.

Words are powerful. What you say and what you don’t say matters.

Matthew 6:45 says …for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If within our hearts we only want to build others up, our words will reflect that. If we say unkind things, we may have a heart issue. The point is to fight the urge to let our hearts become hard and say those things that do build others up. It’s not easy every time. Our flesh and inherent sinful nature will always be resistance, but we can choose to hit the override button and say only things in truth. 

Jesus was all about relationships. Relationships depend heavily on words. Make them good ones. Make them count. Make them uplifting, inspiring, cheerful, heartfelt, motivating, encouraging, truthful words.

Lord I pray for the hearts reading this right now. I pray for you to wash over our hearts and to refresh our spirits with truth. Help us to say only what is good for building others up like you have said in Ephesians 4:29. Give us guidance for when we should speak and when we should be silent. For when we should talk and when we should listen. We pray that you would shine through what we say and that it would bring you glory. 

In Jesus name, 


Keep It Shut

I told you that God has been working on me and my words? He sent the book Keep It Shut to my door. God isn’t always subtle, is he?!

Family Christian sent me this book written by Karen Ehman to review. I gotta say, this one had me reviewing myself more than the book. It challenged me. It really did.

Karen covers pretty much every aspect surrounding the tongue in Keep It Shut: gossip, people-pleasing, truth-telling, social-sharing, manners, motives, lying, listening, and love. It’s all there!

She is funny! She uses the Bible as a model for which to go by. And she addresses such common issues that life throws our way and also how to react with our words. It’s divided into chapters that cover all the different things that I’ve talked about.

In this book, you will find lots of great tips and many great Bible verses.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to work on their words.

You can find Keep It Shut by Karen Ehman at Family Christian….OR you can win it below!

Keep It Shut Giveaway

Keep It Shut Book Giveaway

This giveaway will end on Monday, February 15th at 11:59pm CT. I will randomly select and winner and I will contact them on Monday the 16th and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them, I will randomly select a new winner.

I was provided with Keep It Shut by Family Christian for review purposes. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Does Godly Romance Exist?

Does Godly Romance

Is true romance dead?

You know what I’m talking about. The kinda stuff that we see in the movies. The candlelight and flowers, sweep-you-off-your-feet, knock-your-socks-off kinda romance.

What about chivalry? Ha! Haven’t heard that word in a while. The word, which basically means respect, is not something that we hear of happening much anymore.

Too often in our culture, the dating scene and sometimes even the committed can lack in these areas.

Has a man who sends a girl flowers and opens the door for her without an ulterior motive become the minority? It seems that way!

There is such a thing as godly romance you know. That’s called old fashioned these days. Respect, saving yourself for marriage, and prayerfully considering if a husband/wife is God’s choice for you. Not always the norm!

What if you’ve already made bad choices in the past? Are you damaged goods?

Absolutely not!

God can and WILL redeem your past. All that matters is what you do with your future.

As believers, we should strive to stick to the values that we so strongly believe in. That isn’t an easy feat in today’s society. Have faith and courage, even if it means you’re the weird one. Hey, being old fashioned means you’re unique and completely unexpected. A change from an impending one night stand and fly-by-night romance.

It means that you’re allowing God to guide.

old fashioned

I’m still reeling from a movie that I was invited to screen. Guess what it’s called….

Old Fashioned. Teehee.

This film was made to touch on the very things that I just mentioned.

Old Fashioned is a faith-based love story about a former frat boy who comes to know Jesus and it changes the way he looks at dating and romance. He meets a free-spirited girl who is quite the opposite. In our modern-day dating scene, they attempt an old fashioned courtship.

My honest opinion? One of the best faith-based movies that I’ve seen in a long time.

This film was a refreshing taste of what love and romance can truly be if God is guiding it. I love that it stayed realistic by addressing common pitfalls like partying, pornography, and sex before marriage without glorifying those things. In fact, this film highlights how God’s grace covers our mistakes and makes us new.

<a href="http://www.regardinggrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/old-things-are-passed-away pharmacie viagra sans ordonnance.png”>old things are passed away;

I enjoyed this movie a lot y’all. Even hubby liked it! We laughed, got teary, got angry, and felt connected with the characters. And it even had good acting too! I can’t say that about all Christian movies. There were moments that were a little slow, but what happened next always made up for it.

This would be a fantastic movie for a youth group to see! It would be perfect for singles, and those who are dating, too! And honestly, for anyone wanting to see a true and pure love story.

It hits theaters February 14th, 2015. Valentine’s Day, how fitting! Check it out at OldFashionedMovie.com.

You can find it at a theater near you here. It is at limit theaters, about 200 across the nation. It’s going to be competing with a certain well-known, less-than-Christian film, Fifty Shades of Grey. Let’s support truth instead of a false idea of romance!

I truly hope that you will go see Old Fashioned and that it will bless you like it blessed me! Watch the trailer below.

I was provided with tickets to the screening by Family Christian. All opinions expressed here are 100% my own.

Veggie Tales Beauty and the Beet $9.99!

Family Night

Sometimes we just simply play Uno all night whilst sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace. Sometimes we make a trip to the dollar store and let the girls pick out a special toy. As the parents, we are just full of surprises aren’t we? You never know what kinda fun we have in store for family night!

However, it’s likely that on any given family night at our house you’ll find us soaking in a flick. Movies always seem to bring us all together. Not only literally, because we are literally in one place, but also emotionally. Feeling what the characters are feeling, witnessing the twists of the plot at the same time, and even cringing at the bad guys at the same time. 

And then sometimes….

Beauty and the Beat 2

You just want to watch Veggie Tales. We were so excited to finally watch Beauty and the Beet (thanks to Family Christian!) for the first time the other night! We waited and waited for it to come out and then when it finally did, we were too busy to find time to watch it. Not anymore!

Unconditional love

This movie has a fantastic message of unconditional love. Using the known Beauty and the Beast story, the Veggie Tales transform it into a story that God loves each of us just as we are, and that we should love others the same.


Bring it On

As a mom, I loved that it was just 45 minutes long. With 2 girls under 8 it’s hard sometimes to keep their attention and this was the perfect amount of time to entertain them. Kelly Pickler did a fantastic job as Mirabelle. She added a nice country twang to the movie. And we always love their silly, yet catchy Veggie Tales tunes! We LOVED the new silly song called “Mac and Cheese” about how Larry’s great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great (forgot how many greats) invented Macaroni and Cheese. 

My daughter Addie said that she “liked it a lot”. Her favorite parts where when they sung on stage! My youngest said that she “loved” it. That’s high praise from a 3 year old I’d say!

Beauty and the Beet is on sale right now through December 24th for only $9.99! That is a great price! Grab it before the sale ends.

Family Christian has options available for getting it by Christmas. Be sure to check out the Shipping Info in the product description. 

Watch the trailer:

Beauty and the Beat was provided for review purposes by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook

Baker Illustrated Handbook

The following is a review and post written by my darling husband!


I have been a student of the Bible for about two years and make it a goal to dig deeper into the Word in a variety of ways: through One Year Bible daily Bible reading, Verse by Verse ministries audio Bible during my commute, and learning memory verses.  So I was excited when I was recently asked to review The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook.  This handbook has a load of full-color pages, color photos and illustrations, cool maps and charts, and articles by leading evangelical scholars.  It is intended to help the reader grasp God’s word and understand how each book of the Bible fits together into God’s overarching purpose.  It will help you more effectively interpret the Bible and apply it to your life.  Below are my key takeaways.

This is not a Bible

I thought I would be reviewing a Bible, but I found out pretty quickly once getting into the book of Genesis that I, in fact, was not reviewing a Bible.  Instead, this is a reference guide to the Bible — as indicated in the title, it is a Bible Handbook.  This can be seen as a supplement and guide to reading your Bible, but not a replacement.  I will point out that by the nature of being a summary of the Bible, it is inevitable that certain details are lost in the process.

Bible Handbook

High Level – 50,000 Ft. View

This handbook does a good job of summarizing the Bible.  This would help someone new to the faith or young in the faith to grasp the vision of the overall message of the Bible and to see how the books of the Bible fit together.  Each book of the Bible is almost like a cliffs-notes version of the book.  Some examples of this book that I particularly enjoyed are The Grand Story of the Bible showing how the grand story is summarized into Opening, Problem, Resolution, Climax, and Closing as well as How the Bible is Organized which shows and explains the sections of the Bible (Old Testament: Pentateuch, Historical Books, Psalms, Wisdom Books, Prophets, New Testament: The Gospels, Book of Acts, Letters of Paul, General Letters, and Revelation.)

Baker Handbook

Going Deeper

This handbook also does an excellent job of arranging facts, maps, and charts of information, simplifying what would otherwise be complex.  A great example of this is found in the The Beginning and The End section which gives a chart matching up events in Genesis (“The Beginning”) and Revelation (“The End”) showing how the beginning elements in Genesis find their conclusion in Revelation.  An example would be:  Sinful people are banished from the presence of God in Genesis 3:24; But God lives among his people in Revelation, effectively restoring them to His presence (Revelation 21:3, 7, 22; 22:4.)  Digging deeper, for each book of the Bible, this handbook covers important historical context as well as information on the author of the book, the audience, the heart of the message being communicated, and any interesting / unique facts about the book.  It includes letters from Bible scholars throughout.  It also has Part II and Part III sections which respectively cover How the Bible Came to Be and Digging Deeper into the Bible.


In summary, this is a great and unique companion resource for the Word of God.  It is easy to read and understand and is well organized.  I am excited to own a copy and plan on referencing it.

Grab a copy of The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook for $29.97 at Family Christian right now!

And you might just be able to use this to do it…

$50 Family Christian Appreciation Certificate Giveaway
(can be used in-store and online)


$50 Family Christian Appreciation Certificate
This giveaway will end on December 26th at 11:59pm CT. I will contact the winner on December 27th and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them, I will then name a new winner.
The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook was provided for review purposes by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are 100% my own. 

High Above It All {Phillips Craig & Dean}

Phillips Craig and Dean

When it comes to Christian music, there are a few names that are just a given among the greats. One that immediately comes to mind is Phillips, Craig & Dean. I mean the only words you need to hear are “Revelation Song”. That song was HUGE! I still have to turn that one on every now and then. It’s powerful.

The harmony that these guys pull off…. It gives me goosebumps.

My cd

They have a NEW album out that was released just last month. I was thrilled to partner with Family Christian again and review their new album Above it All last week.

I was thrilled to find the album to be a mix of great worship, but also FUN songs that you can’t get out of your head. It was not what I expected, it was better!

The song “Let it Be Known” has become a quick favorite with my girls. It has a really catchy beat and is a total dance tune. Yet, I love how it praises God and speaks loud truth. They beg me to turn it on in the car all the time!

My personal favorite on this cd is “High Above It All”. I love the words. They are powerful and they remind me that even though the world around me can seem to crumble, that God is still in control. He is high above everything and remains the same among the change.

Waters roar and mountains fall, still You remain high above it all
Kingdoms fade and nations shake, but You remain high above it all

You might hear “Jesus, Only Jesus” currently playing on many radio stations So good. And “Voices From The Other Side” really touched me as a good friend of mine just passed 3 months ago. It had me balling the first time that I heard it.

Track List:

Jesus Only Jesus
High Above It All
Let It Be Known
Voices From the Other Side
Join the Song
Come as You Are
Not for Grace
Hope Has a Name
What Hope Feels Like
How He Lifted Me

My Thumbs Up

This one gets a thumbs up. And set on replay on my phone!

Phillips, Craig & Dean fan? Get YOUR copy of Above it All at Family Christian! It’s currently just $13.99 and keep your eyes peeled for coupons! They have those running often.

$10 Family Christian Appreciation Certificate
This giveaway will end on December 19th at 11:59pm CT. I will contact the winner on December 20th and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them, I will contact a new winner. US only.

Above it All was provided to me by Family Christian for means of review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

CLOSED For Such a Time as This {Giveaway}

Book of Ruth

The Bible is full of amazing stories isn’t it? Stories of love, hate, deceit, and loyalty. Examples of the way we should live our lives and also how we shouldn’t. There are some awesome stories about courageous men that with God’s power overcame otherwise impossible circumstances. I mean. The Bible is kinda tha bomb. 

Though we often times relate the courageous stories in the Bible to men, I want to focus for a minute on the women. Yep, let’s give it up for the ladies. They are a huge part of the Bible, too. Some were not the smartest crayons in the box, but the Bible also shares the stories of many brave and amazing women, too. 

My personal favorite story of a woman in the Bible is Ruth. I think that the book of Ruth is one of great loyalty. And also of great love. After the death of her husband and her father-in-law, Ruth decided to stick by her mother-in-law even though she was urged to go back home. Through emotional and physical support, she was extremely faithful to her mother-in-law, Naomi through the hardest of times. I gotta tell you, that must not have been easy. Think about it. She left her own family (Momma and Daddy) to be with her mother-in-law. Mother. In. Law. She was armed with love and a bazooka loaded with grace. That’s what I’m guessing.

Leaving everything she knew behind, Ruth stayed to care for Naomi. She began gathering leftover grain behind farmers in the fields to provide food. A rich landowner named Boaz began to bless them providing more grain and welcoming Ruth. She listened to the wise advice of Naomi and they began to thrive. Eventually Boaz and Ruth got married, and both she and Naomi were taken care of from then on.

What a friendship those two shared. One based on loyalty, family, and God’s plan. I just love to read about the women in the Bible who made a difference.

I was thrilled when I got a chance to review For Such a Time as This by Angie Smith! I had the privilege of meeting Angie back in 2010 (I believe) and she is such a sweet soul. This book is jam packed full of stories about women in the Bible. A whopping total of 40 examples of women who made a difference. The stories are retold so that girls can understand and read them and the illustrations are just amazing! It’s as though the stories come alive. 

At the end of each story, there is a “He, Me, She” section where you can go a little deeper with your daughter about the story. The “He” section is about how God was involved in the story. The “Me” section is about the reader and how the truth of the story can be applied to her life. And the “She” section is for the parents to pray over their daughter. I just LOVED this part of the book. 

Britton Reading

My girls really enjoyed this book. It is requested each night! Some of the women in the book are women that aren’t spotlighted in the Bible. It’s awesome to see perspective on the women that we don’t normally hear about. I encourage you to check out For Such a Time as This. It would make such a great Christmas gift for a daughter or niece. Buy one for yourself! I think I enjoyed just as much as my girls. 😉


$25 Family Christian Appreciate Certificate Giveaway

To build up some excitement around this book, I’m so happy to be able to offer a $25 Appreciate Certificate to one of YOU from Family Christian. With Christmas coming up, this will surely come in handy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Saturday, November 29th at 12:00am CT. The winner will then be chosen at random by Rafflecopter. I will contact the winner on November 30th and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them in 24 hours, I will name a new winner. This giveaway is open to those in the US only. 

I received a copy of Such a Time as This for the purpose of review by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

CLOSED More Than Sparrows {Giveaway}


This giveaway has ended.

I’m really not that old. However, when I start to think about high school and middle school, I’m reminded of how long ago that really was. I had a lot of fun during those years. I made some of my life-long friends then. That’s even when I met my husband! Some friends would come and some would go, but the true ones always stuck around. I remember our sleepovers, football games, and talking on the phone for hours.

A real phone, by the way. 

We weren’t lucky enough to have cell phones then. Our phones had cords or ranges of 200 feet. It was a good way for our moms to keep tabs on us come to think of it! We definitely couldn’t go very far.

I also remember that those years were very hard. There was a lot of pressure to fit in and to be considered “popular” was an achievement. A girl’s identity begins to form around this time. So many changes take place and things seem really intense. Everything is intense. Feelings, thoughts, words. It’s a pivotal time in a girl’s life.

When I was 11, my parents got divorced. It was by far, one of the most devastating experiences of my life. It came at the worst possible time for my self-esteem. I felt lost. My dad wasn’t around anymore like I was used to. The world’s influences spoke so loudly. I didn’t go to church anymore. I began to look for my value in the approval of others.

I had no idea that the One and only approval necessary had already been granted to me.

Young women need so badly to understand their worth. They need to know that beyond the social pressures, expectations, and cliques, that God is doing a marvelous work within their lives. He has a plan and a purpose for every single one. He also sees each one as beautiful.

Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. – Matthew 10:31


Free to be me giveaway

I got the opportunity to read the book Free To Be Me by Stasi Eldredge recently. Can I just tell you that this book is everything I needed to hear when I was letting the world tell me how it is. Stasi does an incredible job of using her past hurts and mistakes to really speak truth into young women’s lives. Even as a grown woman, I found lots points that I could use reminders of.

This book is for teenagers and would be a perfect gift for a daughter or niece. Any girl that you know really. I will saving this book for both of my daughters to read when it comes time. Such a fantastic resource that I only wish I had when I was that age.

I’m giving one away to one of YOU thanks to Family Christian!

Free To Be Me Book Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will end on Monday, November 4th at 12:00am CT. The winner will then be chosen at random by Rafflecopter. I will contact the winner on November 4th and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them in 24 hours, I will name a new winner. This giveaway is open to those in the US only. 

I received a copy of Free To Be Me for the purpose of review by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

The Current DVD Review/Giveaway! CLOSED

The current

 Here’s another Christian movie review coming to you thanks to Family Christian!

I’ve talked before about how difficult it can be to find good family movies these days. But I’m so thankful that more and more Christian movies are finally popping up. Not just films with generally good messages and life lessons, either. Films with the message of God’s love are finally hitting the scene. Woohoo!

My husband and I got the opportunity to watch the movie The Current. I was a little concerned with the acting in it at first, but once I looked past that I enjoyed it. The Current is a sorta coming-of-age story that digs into the big question that so many ask, why do bad things happen to good people? It’s about a boy who moves with his family to live on a campground and meets a friend who forever changes his life. There’s a bunch more to it, but I wouldn’t want to give it away.

I found myself both laughing and shedding a tiny tear at this film. And it totally made me want to go camping. Ok, like a teeny tiny bit. Ok, not really much at all. Bugs, ew.

My girls are a little young to understand this one, but if they were older I’d have no problems with them watching this. It had a great message! SO, you want to win a copy of this DVD for yourself?!

The Current DVD Giveaway

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment on this post telling me if you’d like to see this movie!

Optional Additional Entries: 

Follow Gathering Grain on Facebook. Leave a comment here saying that you did/are.
Follow Amy on Instagram. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Amy on Pinterest. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Sign up for Gathering Grain’s Email Newsletter. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
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Follow Family Christian on Pinterest. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on Facebook. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on Tumblr. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on Instagram. Leave a comment here that you did/are.

TIP: The more comments that you leave here, the more entries that you will receive!

This giveaway will end on Tuesday, October 21st at 8:59pm CT. The winner will then be chosen at random by And The Winner Is wordpress plugin. I will contact the winner on October 22nd and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them in 24 hours, I will name a new winner. This giveaway is open to those in the US only. 

I received a copy of The Current for the purpose of review by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Review: Mercy Rule DVD

Mercy Rule

We have family night every so often around here. These family nights include a movie, playing a game, or riding bikes. We can’t forget the ice cream sundaes or really sugary junk food either! I can’t tell you how excited the girls get when they find out we’re having a family night! They know they are going to stay up past bedtime and eat junk food. Who wouldn’t get excited about that?

It’s hard to find family-friendly movies these days. Or ones we haven’t seen a bazillion times. *cough Frozen cough* We are protective with what the girls watch. Ratings for both TV and movies have become so lax these days. Seems like PG-13 has become the new Rated R. With all the foul language and sexual innuendo, it’s hard to trust even the ratings.

I was excited when Family Christian gave me to opportunity to review the new Mercy Rule DVD. Obviously, we immediately planned a family night! I made us some homemade cobbler topped with ice cream and we watched the movie together. Lights off, blankets and pillows galore, and it was a fun night.

Mercy Rule had a good story line with some suspense and even some baseball action. The whole movie was centered around baseball, which my family has no interest but that didn’t make us like the movie any less. I think the main point of the film was not to quit or give up. And also to know that no matter what the outcome of a situation, as long as you have love and family, you can get through anything together.

The film did have some references to smoking and drinking in it, which wasn’t expected, but we didn’t think it was too inappropriate. There were times when it was slow to getting to point. They used slow motion a LOT in the movie, so be ready for that. I’m sure it was for dramatic effect, but was a little confusing at times. Tim Hawkins (hilarious) is in the movie and he kept us laughing. It didn’t scream Jesus and spread the gospel like some would expect, but it is good clean family fun. Overall we really liked the movie.

I am so excited to give one of YOU the opportunity to have this movie for YOUR next family night! They are providing me with a copy to give away to one of you. 

Mercy Rule DVD Giveaway

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment on this post telling me what YOUR family nights usually involve!

Optional Addiitonal Entries:

Follow Gathering Grain on Facebook. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Subscribe to Gathering Grain’s newsletter. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on Facebook. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on Twitter. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on YouTube. Leave a comment here that you did/are.
Follow Family Christian on Google+. Leave a comment here that you did/are.

Remember, each separate comment sn a separate entry! The more the better. I will be using And The Winner Is WordPress plugin to randomly select a winner from the comments.

This giveaway will end on Friday, August 22nd at 8:59pm CT. I will contact the winner on August 23rd and they will have 24 hours to respond. If I have not heard from them in 24 hours, I will name a new winner. This giveaway is open to those in the US only. 

I received a copy of Mercy Rule for the purpose of review by Family Christian. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.