Years ago when I was growing up, my dad used to listen to Carman and JAM IT OUT on Saturday mornings. I mean, we were some Carman-loving freaks. I just dated myself, but I have no shame. Carman was the Toby Mac of back in the day. If you haven’t listened to A2J, then you have missed out on a terribly important part of life.
I digress. I’ll get to why Carman matters later.
The other day I was on the struggle bus. I started having some pretty intense body image feelings. I was feeling down about my weight and my figure, and all those things that we girls worry about, even though we know we shouldn’t. I’ve struggled with these most of my life.
So I went about my day. Reminding myself to eat right today. I thought about all the things that I was doing wrong. Maybe I should go for a walk? Maybe I should find a new diet?
But as I was driving down the road after spending the better part of the day beating myself up, something in faith rose up inside me. Almost like a Holy Ghost fury.
I’ve been delivered.
NO DEVIL. The Lord delivered me from an eating disorder 5 years ago. He delivered me from the grips of something that could have controlled my life for years, maybe even the rest of my life. From the constant striving to be a certain weight. From the unrelenting lies that haunted my thoughts.
From the dark.
Now that I am in the light, I recognize the lies that the enemy throws my way to bring me back down. The battle is won and everyone has gone home!
I am free. I’ve been delivered.
Jesus has declared me not guilty. My prison doors are WIDE open. I’m on the other side and I’m not going back in.
I just want to stir something up in you right now. If you have things that you have overcome and the enemy is trying to bring them back up or draw you back in, take heart. You have been delivered.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all of my fears. – Psalm 34:4
He is a God of deliverance.
In the moments when I could have easily tanked back into fear and let that old, sinful part of me take over, I decided to stand firm and declare my freedom. I love what it says in Galatians 5:1:
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yolk of slavery.
Do not let yourselves be burdened AGAIN. We were all in slavery before we found Christ. Now we serve the Master of the universe and creator of everything. He freed us from our bondages! Hallelujah!
If you find yourself struggling with some of the same things over and over, here are a few things that have helped me over the past few years to walk in freedom.
- Confess. Whatever it is, tell the Lord. Hold nothing back. Or tell a trusted friend! God never meant for you to walk this road alone. It helps to bounce thoughts off of a friend who will help point you toward truth. 1 John 1:9
- Declare. Use your authority to speak truth against the lie. Speak it out! Find a scripture or two that you can use every single time you feel those thoughts creep in. 2 Cor. 10:5
- Praise. He has brought you through this before, so praise God for his faithfulness! Praise him all the way through this trial! Psalm 34:1
- Fight. Don’t wallow within your circumstance. You may not have a plan but take the next right step! Then take the next right step after that! One step at a time, God will bring you out of your wilderness. Psalm 37:23-24
After I hopped off the struggle bus, I began to declare out loud over and over, I’ve been delivered.
And allllllllll I could think about was Carman’s song, I’ve Been Delivered. It’s a good old gospel-type song that fires me up folks! I’ll leave you with some of its words.
“I’ve been delivered. I’ve been delivered.
Well the hold the devil had on me,
He ain’t got no more.”